Young Republic is an edgy menswear company focused on streetwear.
They wanted to grow their current business by branching out their retail stores to an
e-commerce platform.
Client Demographic:
18-35 / Men / Streetwear / Trendy / Big & Tall
Branding, Art Direction, GFX, Photography, Styling, Content Developer, UI Designer

User Interface was built to call out promotions and highlight products based sale performances. Product pages and payment options were made to be available on mobile devices for a seamless and easy checkout. An Instagram gallery was also introduced with plans of encouraging user generated content.
Website UI
Keith Billingslea
Brandon Puckett
Styling and Photography:
Andrew Guiyangco
Hair and Grooming:
Courtney Leavit

Product Photography
The use of a textured background and concrete floors in product photography was meant to give a "raw" and edgy feel but still maintain focus on the product.
Due to the unconventional aesthetic and nature of many of the products, the styling was also carefully considered and paired to teach clients how to wear the product they have interest on.
Bringing a "Big & Tall" model with a social media following was also an intentional choice to represent the brand's fit to a loyal and growing Big & Tall consumer.